Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | annotation |
m11 | xs:float | optional | 1 | | |
m12 | xs:float | optional | 0 | | |
m21 | xs:float | optional | 0 | | |
m22 | xs:float | optional | 1 | | |
dx | xs:float | optional | 0 | | |
dy | xs:float | optional | 0 | | |
penWidth | xs:float | optional | 0 | | documentation | The width of the pen. |
lineJoin | lineJoin | optional | round | | documentation | The line join style. |
linePattern | linePattern | optional | solid | | documentation | The line pattern. |
penColor | color | optional | 0,0,0 | | documentation | The color of the pen. |
brushColor | color | optional | 0,0,0 | | documentation | The color of the brush used to fill the object. |
layer | xs:int | optional | | | documentation | The layer the rectangle is on. |
y | xs:float | required | | | documentation | The top edge. |
x | xs:float | required | | | documentation | The left edge. |
width | xs:float | required | | | documentation | The width of the rectangle. |
height | xs:float | required | | | documentation | The height of the rectangle. |
roundness | derived by: xs:float | optional | | | documentation | The roundness of the rectangle. 0 = no rounding, 1 -= maximum rounding. |